Vote for the Human Middle Finger

Donny, innocently ‘scratching’ himself. Yeah, subtle as ever.

Donny, innocently ‘scratching’ himself. Yeah, subtle as ever.

It is now blatantly clear: Trump has no plan to deal with the coronavirus. None. The closest he came to a plan was to cross his fingers and hope he could lie it away. 231,000 dead Americans later, we see just how well this has worked. He rails about his great economy, and if everyone would just stop worrying about the virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, ignore all precautions and open everything up again, the economy would come ‘roaring’ back. He’s never understood that to save the economy, you have to control the virus. It’s like selling an old car; ‘two dented fenders, seized motor, broken windshield, otherwise mint’. You can’t ignore what’s in front of you and skip to what you want it to be. Everyone knows this.

But to around 40% of voters, that doesn’t matter. They don’t care about the Trump administration’s display of utter incompetence, doesn’t bother them at all. Some will support him no matter what, believing him to be the most sinned-against president in history (he’s not), dragged down and plotted against by the evil cabal of liberal elites (no to that as well), others seems to think his ‘policies’ (racism, misogyny, fewer taxes on the rich and large corporations, snuggling up to murderous dictators, kidnapping children, I could go on and on…) are great for Americans, or at least for them as an individual. Then there are those who just want to see the world burn, who see Trump as a human ‘middle finger’, a ‘fuck you’ to all they and he, hates.

Trump hates all the things that they hate. Fuck you! 

They don’t care that Trump has no plan for the next four years, that he can’t articulate even a vague plan. They just care about ‘owning the libs’ and ‘liberal tears’, the fact that another Trump term will finish his campaign of tearing apart democracy is something they don’t care about, just as long as those ‘libs’ keep crying. The world burns and they’ll go down with it, as long as the evil liberals go first.

Four More Years?

Just what are they torching democracy for? They can’t say, but then neither can the GOP or Trump himself. The Republican platform was literally thrown out for the first time since… the founding of the party? The new plan was ‘Whatever Trump Wants to Do”.

Here’s what Donny told the ace, tough interviewer, Sean Hannity, when he asked what Trump was planning in a second term:

"Well, one of the things that will be really great -- you know, the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience, I've always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It's a very important meaning. I never did this before. I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington, I think, 17 times, all of a sudden, I'm president of the United States. You know the story, I'm riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our first lady and I say, this is great. But I didn't know very many people in Washington. It wasn't my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now, I know everybody and I have great people in the administration. You make some mistakes like, you know, an idiot like Bolton. All he wanted to do was drop bombs on everybody. You don't have to drop bombs on everybody. You don't have to kill people." 

And when he was thoughtfully given a do-over chance at the question again:

“I think I’d be similar.”

Maybe I’m wrong, maybe four more years of an out-of-control pandemic, hundreds of thousands of more deaths, economic free-fall, more Nazis killing people, more racial protests, more of the decline of America’s position in the world is exactly what they want, I mean beyond drinking all those sweet, sweet liberal tears. Maybe that’s exactly what they want to happen. Bring on the new civil war, as they were itching to go ‘elite’ hunting anyway, a zombie apocalypse, with liberals as the zombies and Trumpers as Rick and Chuck.


Vote for the Human Middle Finger, bring it on faster.


And watch the world burn.


To the Trump Voters


Here’s the Deal