Lies Catch Up With Kellyanne

Kellyanne and her favorite locker-up of children. Photo: Mike Segar/Reuters]

Kellyanne and her favorite locker-up of children. Photo: Mike Segar/Reuters]

Kellyanne Conway is stepping down to attend to her family. Her daughter, 15, horrified at the administration that her mother's lies are supporting, has said she will file for emancipation from her parents.

I feel for the daughter, I wish her well and hope she can get the help she needs.




Ah, there is always a but, isn't there?

Kellyanne Conway has supported, lied for, and excused an administration that has committed human rights abuses, obstructed justice, carried out vindictive campaigns against supposed ‘enemies’, betrayed our troops, and she herself committed numerous ethics violations, cheerfully. She lied, knew she was lying, didn’t care and grinned while doing it.

No sympathy for her, none.

I hope she and her husband are able get their family whole, I hope their children can find their own peace with the family and the world. I do.

But I see no reason to excuse her behavior, no reason to excuse her cheerleading of the horrible policies of the Trump administration. No sympathy for the problems she herself has caused within her family with her support of this criminal administration, no reason to view softly her resignation after all she has said about immigrants, about ripping children away from their families, about excusing the crimes of this administration with eyerolls and lies.

No sympathy, none. And also, little for her husband, George Conway. He may have been a never-Trumper, and a founder of the anti-Trump ‘Lincoln Project’, but he was a lawyer who helped build today’s GOP that brought us Trump. George may not like Trump, but he was a carpenter on the platform on which Trump now stands. Thank you for your work against Trump, but can’t say it makes up for the work you did to get us here.

And here we are.

An est. 200,000 Americans dead, a virus burning uncontrolled through the entire country, Double digit unemployment, economy cratered, millions of Americans hurting… and I just can’t feel sympathy for the main excuser of it all.

Kellyanne leaves at the end of the week (after the convention, so she’ll still have a lot of lying to do), to go back to her family and tell them she was just ‘doing her job’, you know, ‘obeying orders’ so she could keep her ‘access’ and ‘power’. Maybe they’ll believe her (I pray they won’t excuse her), but I hope they ask her the obvious question:



Hope she has a better answer than usual.

She might try, for one, telling the truth.


Four Days of Fear and Hate


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