Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

Why America Burns

Jacob Blake, father, son, brother, human.

Jacob Blake, father, son, brother, human.

Jacob Blake, father, son, brother, human.

Once again, we see the way the police go about ‘policing’ those not white among us.

Please, please, please, we need no more examples of this kind of policing, of this police brutality, of this murder.

We have enough, we have had enough.

Jacob Blake, father, son, brother, was shoot in the back seven times by a policeman with one hand on Blake’s shirt and the other holding the gun that did it. While he was getting into his car, and in front of his children.


We don’t know. Kenosha Police aren’t saying, they’re ‘investigating’. As always, ‘investigating’. They want to make sure their brother officers have justice, unlike the ‘justice’ served Jacob Blake, father, son, brother… who lies in a hospital bed, partially paralyzed by this policeman’s actions. The policeman is suspended or reassigned, with pay, of course.

Of course.

We shall hear the familiar reasons, excuses, that the policeman feared for his life, that Jacob Blake, father, son, brother, refused commands. We’ll get the usual blaming of the victim. All is this too familiar, all of this nightmare lived before, again, and again, and, again.  

His sister, Letetra Widman, said: “When you say the name ‘Jacob Blake,’ make sure you say ‘father.’ Make sure you say ‘cousin.’ Make sure you say ‘son.’ Make sure you say ‘uncle.’ But most importantly, make sure you say ‘human.’ Let it marinate in your mouth, in your minds. A human life. … I don't want your pity. I want change.”

Jacob Blake, father, son, brother, human.

What the hell. What the hell.

The other side? How do the Kenosha police treat young white men who have actually committed a crime? We have an example of that as well. In the protests, and yes, riots in the past three days, we have these ‘militia’ types showing up with their guns, ‘protecting’ things, really, looking for an excuse to use that gun they carry around at the grocery store.

Last night, one of them found an excuse.

17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, a white ‘militiaman’ from Illinois, crossed the border in Wisconsin, looking for a fight. He illegally brought his AK with him. Moments after getting thanks, approval and a free bottle of water from the police, he opens fire and murders two people during a protest in Wisconsin last night, wounding one more.

Cell phone footage shows Kenosha police telling armed insurrectionists, “We appreciate you guys. We really do,” and giving them bottles of water, including this killer. So, we see how police handle armed white guys.

Shortly after this video was taken, this murder shot and killed two protesters and wounded another. These guys, supported by the police.

From the Washington Post:

“A Washington Post journalist who observed the scene saw the man with the rifle run by with a few protesters in pursuit after gunfire erupted about a block away. He tripped and fell, rolled into a sitting position, raised his gun and opened fire at his pursuers.”

Still sketchy, but it sounds like he fired, got chased for shooting someone, fell and started firing again. He will say one of two things: He acted in self-defense, or they deserved it (I’m seeing both of these in right wing media right now). There will be more blaming of the victims.

And how did this killer get away and run back to Illinois? How did this guy, armed with an AK get past a line of police and their vehicles as protesters cried out that he had just shot someone?

By walking right by them.

This is how the police treat a white man who just murdered two people, and this is how they treated unarmed Jacob Blake, a father, a son, a brother, a cousin, an uncle… a human being.

This is why people are in the streets. The Kenosha Police Department has painted broadly the reasons America is burning.

Black Lives Have to Matter, but they don’t matter to many who have the power over those Black Lives.


This is why America burns.

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Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

They Had a Plan, But Decided People Should Just Die Instead

They actually had a plan. They did. It would have been massive; testing, contact tracing, the whole thing.

They tossed it.

Why? Because they thought the virus was only affecting 'blue' states, so who cares? No, really. It wasn't spreading to the 'red' states yet, so it's just not 'politically advantageous' to, you know, give a damn and try to save people.

Everyday, every-damn-day I think this administration can't get any more heartless, reckless, stupid, and cruel. Every-damn-day they grin and say '"Hold my beer."The Trump administration decided it would be politically expedient to just let people die.

Not even Jared can believe this nonsense. Stolen from Jabin Botsford | The Washington Post

Not even Jared can believe this nonsense. Stolen from Jabin Botsford | The Washington Post

They actually had a plan. They did. It would have been massive; testing, contact tracing, the whole thing.

They tossed it.

Why? Because they thought the virus was only affecting 'blue' states, so who cares? No, really. It wasn't spreading to the 'red' states yet, so it's just not 'politically advantageous' to, you know, give a damn and try to save people.

Everyday, every-damn-day I think this administration can't get any more heartless, reckless, stupid, and cruel. Every-damn-day they grin and say '"Hold my beer."The Trump administration decided it would be politically expedient to just let people die.




He is not, and has never been, the president for all America, just for the ones that voted for him, that cheer him at his rallies, that deck their boats with 'Trump 2020' signs.

The rest of us can just die. And please, do it before November, if you can.

And now, after scrapping the plan, they find themselves in trouble pretty much of their own making.


So Trump paused, for a week, their advertising. They ‘couldn’t find a message’.

In the midst of a ruined economy, 155,000+ dead, a pandemic raging uncontrolled, and protestors in the streets, Trump can't find a 'message'.




The 'Biden is corrupt' didn't work, 'Biden loves China' didn't work. 'Biden had dementia' didn't work, 'Biden will bring on the Mad Max apocalypse' (with pics from Trump's America), didn't work. He can't run on his record (see above, or the last three years), so he still looking for the magic bullet to save him.

Donny, buddy, chum, you want to improve your chances?

My friends will hate this, but hey! Here's how you do it:

Stop acting like a teenager told to clean their room. The covid IS the economy, fix the virus, you fix the economy. Take the pandemic seriously. Go on TV with a mask, tell people they need to wear them, tell them they need to follow CDC guidelines, and then follow them yourself. Work with the states to make sure they impose the guidelines as well. Tell your followers to suck it up and follow them. Get the GOP senate to take this seriously and pass a bill that will actually help people and not hedge fund managers. Stop whining and be serious.

That's basically it: BE SERIOUS.

Maybe go back to the plan you tossed because it might have helped someone who might not have voted for it.


I give you this very good advice for one reason; I know you won't do it. You can't, you just can't. You can't admit to a mistake, you can't reverse yourself because you think that would be 'weak'. I know this is pretty much the same advice some of those around you (not Jared) are pushing, and THEY know you won't take it. We'll find out from the books they will publish to blamer others. You can't find a 'message' because the actual message should be 'Vote for Biden because I'm in over my head'.


And that is the message you will never, CAN never, acknowledge.

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